About Me

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I'm the mother of four children who hopes to raise them to be productive, compassionate, humble citizens of our planet...who will also use their turn signals.

Monday, April 27, 2020

Story #8 of the 100 Day Project: Sniffles
Our dog came to us when my dad decided to bring her home one night after work (and probably a beer or 6.) He didn’t ask my mom, just showed up with a puppy in a box. Of course, we were thrilled...but as is often typical, the job of training a dog falls to Mom.
Ol’ Sniffles wasn’t exactly the easiest to housebreak and there were days that my mom would get exasperated and would threaten a one-way ticket to a farm. For Sniffles. Not my dad. I think? Maybe.
In this snapshot, Sniffles joined us on vacation to Ocean City. She even packed her own nightgown! We were staying at Kristi Caw's family's trailer, which we rented a few times. We’d pack up the Volare’ station wagon, crank up the AM radio and roll down the windows for the ride. With sounds of 70s music and my dad tracking the Smokies on his CB radio, Susan and I would fold down the middle seat and stretch out on sleeping bags, eating packed snacks and sandwiches. Nary a seatbelt in sight.
Sniffles wore clothes, went on trips, and was forced to run through our created obstacle courses. She was our first pet and I think we gave her a good life in the suburbs...never to the farm.

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