About Me

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I'm the mother of four children who hopes to raise them to be productive, compassionate, humble citizens of our planet...who will also use their turn signals.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Day 12 of #the100DayProject: Play
I’m guessing Susan and I were about 4 and 7 in this picture. We spent countless hours playing. Those were the pre-electronic days and also days that were COMPLETELY unplanned. Not a darn thing. All day. And my mom did her thing, cleaning and cooking. We played grocery store and library, making paper cards and stamping them. We lined up kitchen chairs into rows and carefully wrote plane tickets for each stuffed animal and then spoke into a telescope like it was a microphone. We used a 33 vinyl record as a steering wheel, cans of soup for the gas and the brake, a hammer shoved between the cushions as a gear shift and drove our couch all the way to Disney World. We’d then spread out a blanket with all our stuffed animals and baby dolls and wave to an imaginary Disney character parade. WE ACTUALLY SAT THERE AND WAVED. AT NOTHING. It all seems so sweet now, looking back. No photos of it, no videos, no Boomerangs or TikToks. And so very few pictures. But these are the memories that I want to document in a place other than my heart. It’s why I love this project so, so much.  

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