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I'm the mother of four children who hopes to raise them to be productive, compassionate, humble citizens of our planet...who will also use their turn signals.

Saturday, April 18, 2020

100 Days of Storytelling

Today is the first day of #The100DayProject. Pick a way to be creative, a habit you’d like to form, etc and make time for it daily over the next 100 days. This is my very first attempt at this project and I’m super excited. I’ve tossed around SO many ideas, but have settled on 100 stories.
My line of work gives great perspective on the fragility of life. Memorials are often filled with beautiful tributes and stories, AFTER the loved one is gone. My goal is to document 100 stories from my childhood, about family and friends, etc. I’m really looking forward to documenting the details that make a life. 

Day One: I made this chocolate chip pizookie recipe last night (pictured above, with pieces missing to demonstrate its irresistibility). It’s made in a cast iron frying pan. This made me think of my dad’s LOVE of a cast iron pan. For creamed chipped beef or hot dogs and stewed “duhmaydas” - it was the go-to pan. But what really sticks in my mind is how my mom would REPEATEDLY wash it with soap and water. Despite his ranting and raving about it being “seasoned”, she would still fill it with warm soapy water! I don’t know if she legitimately forgot about his over-the-top speeches or if it was a housewife’s power play, but it still makes me laugh. SHE LEGITIMATELY WASHED IT WITH SOAP FOR LIKE 20 YEARS! 😂 I love that little things like this can stay with you for decades. These are the stories I want to remember. ❤️

#yourstorymatters #documentlife

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